
Mostrando entradas de 2018


Leverages the real-time subjective experience of students. Basic NLP learning strategies could be taught presupposing students will take credit and responsibility of their own success. Representational Styles Based on the idea to people have filters to help them to perceive depending on a style. This representation is determined by our five senses. So, we have the auditory learner, visual, etc. Anchor They are certain actions or points take students to certain states. That’s mean an external factor create an internal stimuli or mood in us.  Sensory Acuity The capacity to respond appropriately in the way to observe carefully and avoid quick judgments. Presuppositions “Nobody is wrong or broken, people work perfectly to achieve what they are currently achieving” “Behind every behavior there is a positive intention” MEMBERS Navarro, Claire Salvatierra, Fiorella Mautino, Pilar Quisuruco, Jenny HF - ENGLISH - FRENCH - 2016 ...


It was founded by Chrles Curran in 1972. Primarly designed for monolingual.  Modeled from Carl Rogers' view of education and emphasised the learner's responsability for they own learning. What is CLT? Is considered more like an aproach than a method. The purpose is to help students produce language and communicate with others. Goal Became communicately competent and develop procedures for the teaching of the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Background It appeared in the UK from the late 1960's as communicative approach Stages Stage 1: Reflection Stage 2: Recorded conversation Stage 3: Discussion Stage 4: Transcription Stage 5: Language Analysis Learner's Role Is a negotiator Expected to interact with each other Give and receive information Teacher's Role Facilitate communication process between participants in the classroom Act as an independent participant within the learning-teaching...


In Peru exist the need for improve and strengthen Secondary Education according with the goals about train students capable of facing and dealing with demands and opportunities on their way. There are two models of educative services: JEC and JER JEC Is an intervention of the Ministry of Education that seeks to improve the comprehensive way of service in public secondary educational institutions, expanding the learning opportunities of students and promoting the closing of gaps. Goal Implement a pedagogical offer that responds to the students' interests and needs through the implementation of different teaching strategies with the use of TIC/ICT and the application of pedagogical tools. Characteristics Deserve more time and quality to develop competencies, English course in JEC has five hours a week  Better resources and technologies to learn, they use TIC/ICT in the developing of competences. Greater opportunities for personal growth JER The traditiona...


The age of students is an important factor in how and what to teach. Teaching Children To take account: Children to 9 and 10 years old learn differently than older children They respond to meaning (even if they do not understand individual words) They capture information by focusing on the precise topic They are always interested in the teacher’s approval Present the language in a fun and positive way There are some categories about effective teaching: Intellectual development (vocabulary and repetition of words) Service interval (focus children’s attention and encouraged about subject) Sensory input (stimulated all 5 senses) Affective factors (help them to share with others) Authentic and meaningful (embedded in the context) Teaching adolescents Adolescent are the best language learning according to Benny Ur (1996) Search for the individual identity is more important (to the student) than the attention of the teacher They respond with their own thoug...


The task is defined as an activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language. (Richards,1986) A task is really a special form of technique. In other cases, several techniques may comprise a task. Task Based use different kinds of tasks in language teaching to make it more communicative. Task is assumed to refer to a workplans which have the purpose of facilitating language learning from a simple to more complex activities. Characteristics A pre-task phase typically begins a task sequence. The tasks are meaningful and relevant. Students are actively engaged with the task. The task has clear outcomes. A post-task phase takes place to reinforce students’ learning. Framework Pre-task Task cycle Language focus Elements Input data (verbal or non-verbal) An activity derived from input. Goal (implicitly or explicitly) Teacher roles Learner roles Settings Role of the teacher Choose task based on student’s nee...


CBLT is an application of the principles of CBE (Competency-Based Education) to a language setting. This approach focuses on the outcomes of language teaching and the learner’s expectations about target language. CHARACTERISTICS Classes in CBLT must be focus on students and with they can do. Students learn to use the language in authentic situations. Competencies in CBLT must be adapted for practical applications in a context. COMPETENCY CONCEPT In a general aspect, it is defined as a specific task involves a group of skills and knowledge which must be accurately applied. In CBLT, competency is understood as the final task specified at the end of a learning module. THE COMPONENTS An assessment of the learner’s needs. The selection of the competencies The target instruction An evaluation of the competency attainment ROLES Role of Teacher Changes from an information-giver to a facilitator. Provides materials, activities and the practice opportunities ...


Whole language is not a specific method. It is a philosophy of education that describes how we view language, literacy, teaching and learning. Its major assertion is that language is “whole”.   Learning to read must also be connected to life experience, meaningful activities and the learner’s goals through discussion, peaking, listening, and writing. Created in the 1980’s Emphasis on learning to read and write naturally.  WHOLE LANGUAGE APPROACH Meaningful text: prediction, context cues, sight words, grammar, structural analysis, spelling, shapes, decoding and phonics. WHOLE LANGUAGE MODEL Whole: shared reading Part: vocabulary, spelling, grammar Whole: reading, speaking, writing using, vocabulary and target language structure THE LEARNING THEORY Humanistic: authentic, personalized, self- directed, collaborative, pluralistic. Constructivist: create meaning, learn by doing a collaborative. Teachers: instead of transmitting knowledge Focus on st...


According with Christison (2003), learning styles are individual’s natural habitual and preferred way of learning. We can find some classical learning styles models according with different authors: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (1965)   In this one, the author details the following elements: Extroversion vs. introversion Sensing vs. intuition Thinking vs. feeling Judging vs. perceiving Grace Fernard’s VAKT (1943) In this method, use the following styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Tactile Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory (1983) This theory is focus on the relationship of a type of intelligence with certain capacity and perception: Linguistic – related with words and language Logical-Mathematical – related with logic and numbers Musical – related with music, sound and rhythm Bodily-Kinesthetic – related with body movement control Spatial-Visual – related with images and space Interpersonal – related with other people’s feelings ...


It is important to focus in the foundational principles that help to reach collective approach to language teaching According to Brown we have discovered a great deal about how to best teach a second language in the classroom so the teacher will decide the best technique to teach. These principles form the core of an approach to language teaching. COGNITIVE PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLE 1: AUTOMATICITY Children learn language without thinking about them, the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or habit.  PRINCIPLE 2: MEANINGFUL LEARNING It refers to a learning way where the new knowledge to acquire is related with previous knowledge. Meaningful learning “subsumes” new information into existing structures and memory systems, and the resulting associative links create stronger retention. PRINCIPLE 3: THE ANTICIPATION OF REWARD It’s the most powerful factor, human bein...


Planning lessons means the step for the teacher to manage and guide learning in the classroom in a more effective and organized way. For this, the teacher will take into account many aspects of this process. PRE-PLANNING Consider some factors like the language level of our students, their educational and cultural background, levels of motivation, learning styles. Activities: they will be grouped, we have a chance to balance the exercises in our lessons. Skills: we still need to plan exactly how students are going to work with the skill and what sub-skills we wish to practice. Language:  the students have to learn, practice, research or use the language. Content: good planner takes time to think about how students can best work with them. THE PLAN The kind of lesson we want to teach, we can make the lesson plan. The planning continuum The way that teachers plan lessons depends upon the circumstances in wich the lesson is to take place on the teac...


Welcome to our group blog of ESL II course. We are students of Cantuta University (UNE) in the speciality of English - French. We hope that you'll enjoy our posts and share the experience about English Language Didactic.